Monday, June 10, 2024

Instructions for the rest of the year

 Now that you guys know what we are doing for the rest of the year it is all up to you to achieve the goal that we have set.

To refresh everyone:

We will be pitching on the 31st October 2024.

Only pitches that qualify will get the opportunity to pitch:

    There needs to be a complete business plan.

    The initial pitches will be reviewed by myself and the successful pitches will be approved for        the investors to see.

    There will be a prize of R10 000.00 awarded to the team who demonstrates the highest net           profit for their operations.

    The investors are serious investors so if you have a plan that shows real viability                       you stand the chance of winning real investment into your operation.

    All the information you need is on the class website and the resources and                           lessons necessary will be there too.

Keep checking on your weekly blog for lessons and hidden opportunities to get you to your business goal as successfully as possible.

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